Kiandra Insights

How businesses can reduce their digital carbon footprints

Meghan Lodwick - PR & Communications Manager
Meghan Lodwick
PR & Communications Manager
April 20, 2023
Meghan Lodwick
PR & Communications Manager
April 20, 2023
Illustration of businessman leaping across CO2 tokens with his laptop in hand

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time, and businesses are recognising their responsibility to protect the environment. One area where companies can make a significant difference is by reducing their digital carbon footprints.

With so much information shared online and stored in the cloud, it’s imperative that businesses take action to reduce their impact. Let’s look at ways businesses can reduce their digital carbon footprints.

Measure your company’s carbon footprint

The first step in reducing your company’s digital carbon footprint is to measure your carbon footprint. This data provides a baseline of current activities and how large your carbon footprint is right now. You can measure your carbon footprint by tracking your energy use, travel, and digital media consumption. This information can then be used to find ways to reduce greenhouse emissions, allowing your business to become more sustainable over time.

Host your website on a carbon-neutral server

Hosting your website on a carbon-neutral server is another way to reduce your digital carbon footprint. These servers are powered by renewable energy sources, such as wind or solar. By moving to a carbon-neutral server, you can significantly reduce the amount of carbon emissions that result from powering your website.

Reduce the amount of information you store

It’s important to reduce the amount of information we store if we want to cut down our digital carbon footprint. Many businesses store more data than they need, and this excess data requires more energy to maintain. By eliminating unnecessary data, you can reduce the energy required to maintain your data centres and servers.

Use energy-efficient devices and equipment

Energy-efficient devices and equipment, such as laptops, monitors, and printers, can help reduce your company’s energy consumption. When purchasing new equipment, opt for Energy Star certified devices, and when possible, turn off equipment when it’s not in use. This can significantly reduce your company’s energy consumption and carbon emissions. You may also consider a software modernisation to ensure your systems are efficient.  

Transition to cloud storage

Cloud storage is rapidly becoming the preferred choice for businesses, and it’s easy to see why. Cloud storage providers typically have more energy-efficient data centres and infrastructure than individual businesses. Migrating to the cloud can help reduce your company’s energy consumption, and many providers offer carbon-neutral services. You might also consider sharing files on Microsoft SharePoint and Teams instead of email.

Reducing your company’s digital carbon footprint is an essential step in becoming more sustainable. By measuring your carbon footprint, hosting your website on a carbon-neutral server, reducing the amount of information you store, using energy-efficient devices and equipment, and transitioning to cloud storage, your business can significantly reduce its impact on the environment.  

These steps not only benefit the environment but may also lead to cost savings in energy and equipment maintenance. By taking action today, businesses can set a positive example for their clients and partners while also protecting the planet for future generations.

Learn more about how to future-proof your organisation with a custom software solution, contact us today.

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